




例えば、多くの日本人は“She likes apples.”の代わりに“She like apples”と言ってしまうことがあります。このミスを回避するためには、様々な主語に対して正しい動詞形を使う練習をすることが重要です。

×:The team is all wearing different uniforms.
○:The team members are all wearing different uniforms.

×:One of the reasons for the delay are the weather conditions.
○:One of the reasons for the delay is the weather conditions.

×: The news on TV are always bad.
○:The news on TV is always bad.

×:Each of the students have a different opinion.
○:Each of the students has a different opinion.

×:The number of people attending the event were fewer than expected.
○:The number of people attending the event was fewer than expected.



例えば、日本人は“I want an apple.”の代わりに“I want apple”と言ってしまうことがあります。このミスを回避するためには、英語で冠詞を使う練習をし、文脈に応じた冠詞の使い方に注目することが重要です。

×:I’m going to library.
○:I’m going to the library.

×:He has a car and a bike. The car is red and bike is blue.
○:He has a car and a bike. The car is red and the bike is blue.

×:I want to eat apple.
○:I want to eat an apple.

×:I’m an engineer and I work for software company.
○:I’m an engineer and I work for a software company.

×:She is going to university to become doctor.
○:She is going to the university to become a doctor.



例えば、日本人は“I go to school on foot.”の代わりに“I go to school by walkと言ってしまいがちです。前置詞を正しく使うためには、よく使われる前置詞を覚え、文脈に応じた使い方を練習することが重要です。

×:He is studying in the university.
○:He is studying at the university.

×:I will meet you on the weekend.
○:I will meet you at the weekend.

×:She’s been working here since two months.
○:She’s been working here for two months.

×:He’s interested with photography.
○:He’s interested in photography.

×:’m looking forward to meet you.
○:I’m looking forward to meeting you.



例えば、日本人は“Yesterday I go to the store”と言ってしまうことがあります。正しくは“Yesterday I went to the store.” と言うべきです。この誤りを回避するためには、文脈に合わせた様々な時制を練習し、英語での使い方に注目することが大切です。

×:I already ate breakfast before I come to work.
○: I already ate breakfast before I came to work.

×:I have seen that movie yesterday.
○:I saw that movie yesterday.

×:He was living in New York for three years.
○:He had been living in New York for three years.

×:I will have finished my project by tomorrow.
○:I will have finished my project by tomorrow.

×:I have been knowing him since high school.
○:I have known him since high school.



例えば、日本人は“I must go home.”と言うべきところを、“I must to go home”と言ってしまうことがあります。この誤りを回避するためには、文脈に合わせて助動詞を練習し、英語での使い方に注目することが大切です。

×:I must to finish my homework before I can go out.
○:I must finish my homework before I can go out.

×:Can you please may close the window?
○:Can you please close the window?

×:I should to study harder if I want to pass the exam.
○:I should study harder if I want to pass the exam.

×:She can to speak three languages fluently.
○:She can speak three languages fluently.

×:He would of gone to the party if he wasn’t busy.
○:He would have gone to the party if he wasn’t busy.


