Chatbot Conversations: How to Avoid Frustration and Get the Most Out of Your Interaction


Chatbots are becoming more common as technology advances, but interacting with them can be frustrating. Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to find the right words to communicate with a chatbot? We’ve all been there.

The Dos

Do keep your language simple and direct

Keeping your language simple and direct when talking to chatbots is important because they are designed to understand specific commands and keywords. Using complex language or phrasing your requests in a convoluted way can confuse the chatbot and result in frustrating interactions.

For example, if you’re using a chatbot to book a hotel room, instead of saying “I was wondering if you might be able to assist me in making a reservation for a room for two people for the dates of May 15th through May 18th,” it’s much more effective to say “Book a room for two people from May 15th to May 18th.” This clear and concise language will help the chatbot quickly understand what you’re asking for and provide you with the information or assistance you need.

I need assistance with my order.

Help me with my order.

Do be specific with your requests

Being specific with your requests means avoiding vague language and providing clear information about what you need. For example, instead of saying “I need help with my account,” try saying “I forgot my password and need to reset it.” This helps the chatbot understand exactly what you need and can provide a more accurate and helpful response.

Additionally, if the chatbot provides multiple options or choices, be specific about which one you want by using the option number or name. For instance, if a chatbot asks “Which department can we connect you to?” and provides options like “Sales” or “Support”, you should respond with “Connect me to Support.” This helps the chatbot route your request to the correct department and provide the most relevant assistance.

I want a pizza.

I want a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese.

Do ask for help when needed

If you’re having trouble with the chatbot, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

Excuse me, chatbot, I’m having trouble understanding your response. Could you please explain that to me in a different way?

Do give feedback to improve the chatbot

If you have a suggestion or notice a problem, let the chatbot know.

Hey, chatbot, I think it would be really helpful if you added a feature that allowed users to search for specific products. Is that something you can work on?

The Don’ts

Don’t use slang or complicated language

Chatbots are programmed to understand simple language, so don’t use slang or complicated words.

I’m gonna grab a bite to eat.

I’m going to have lunch.

Don’t get frustrated and start insulting the chatbot

It’s understandable to feel frustrated, but insulting the chatbot won’t help you get the assistance you need.

You’re useless! Can’t you understand anything?

I’m having trouble getting the information I need. Can you assist me?

Don’t assume the chatbot understands everything you say

Chatbots have limitations, so don’t assume they understand everything you say.

Find me a hotel in London.

I’m looking for a hotel in London with a gym and a pool.

Don’t give up too easily

Keep trying until you get the help you need. Instead of closing the chat window after the first failed attempt, try different phrasings or ask for assistance until you get the help you need.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Chatbot Conversations

Use the chatbot’s specific features to your advantage

Many chatbots are designed with specific features that can make your conversation more effective.

For example, if you’re using a chatbot to book a hotel room, take advantage of its ability to show you available rooms and their prices. Or if you’re ordering food, take advantage of the chatbot’s ability to show you the menu.

Try different phrases if the chatbot doesn’t understand you at first

Sometimes chatbots struggle to understand what you’re asking for, especially if you use complex language or slang. If you’re not getting the response you need, try rephrasing your request using simpler language.

Be patient and persistent

Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the assistance you need. Chatbots are designed to handle a variety of requests, but they’re not perfect. If you’re having trouble getting the assistance you need, don’t give up right away. Be patient and keep trying.

Remember that chatbots are improving all the time

As more people use chatbots, developers are constantly working to improve their functionality and response times. Don’t be discouraged if the chatbot doesn’t meet your expectations right away; it’s likely to get better with time.

In conclusion, the dos and don’ts of chatbot conversations are simple. Keep your language simple and direct, be specific with your requests, ask for help when needed, and give feedback. Don’t use slang or complicated language, don’t get frustrated, don’t assume the chatbot understands everything, and don’t give up too easily. By following these guidelines and utilizing the chatbot’s features, you can have a better experience. Remember, chatbots are there to help, and with a little patience, you can get the assistance you need.

